Saturday, March 6, 2010

Woo Hoo Layla's Two

Layla Jewel Tibbs
I can't believe Layla Jewel is two years old!! Two years ago I became an Aunt for the fourth time and a God Mother for the first time. My sister Brandy invited me to be in the delivery room to be apart of Layla's birth. I witnessed Layla come into the world and take her first breath, what a miracle. I truly enjoy being an Aunt and I love being a God Mother. Layla is truly a blessing to our family. She is full of energy and spunk! I Love You Layla Jewel Happy 2nd Birthday!!

The Party Table
Kinsey & Liam are Ready to Party

Layla Opening Our Gift

What a Diva

All 5 Kiddo's

My Sister's and Me with our Party Favors "LOL" they were for the kids!!

Layla Enjoying Her Cake



The Love Birds
My Brother Dathen being Silly
Max Trying to Get a Treat from Addison
Layla Eating Ice Cream
Both My Grandma's
Addison & Layla with my Mom
Max is all Tuckered Out

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