Saturday the Sparks family gathered at the home front to celebrate what we are thankful for. We started with our annual feast that including our deep fried turkey (not a healthy choice but very juicy), Grandma Mattie's yummy mashed potatoes, Grandma Sparks famous homemade bread and our Mom completed the meal with all the traditional trimmings! After the feast we all played games and laughed the night away.
Uncle Drew and Layla
Part of the Crew (Doug, Dathen, and Dad ran when they heard the phrase famiy pictures) and I am obvioulsy taking the picture. 
My wonderful Grandma's
My 2 favorite Boys
Lisa and Addison ( she is not a fan of my camera at times)
Me and My Love
Max was thankful for all the food the kids dropped on the floor!
Part of the meal
Doug and Eric getting ready for another game
Mom with Liv and Kinsey
Brandy with the 3 babies of the family
You finally succeeded in getting all 5 to cooperate, huh? Nice photos!