Everyone has a guilty pleasure…I have several; Coldstone Creamy, reality TV, and reading! Most people would not consider reading a guilty pleasure, but the books I choose should made me feel guilty; they are full of sin, gossip, and lust. Lately I have been a guilty reading machine. Every free second I have I try to sneak in a couple of pages. After I graduated in May I made a list of books that I wanted to read. I started right away on the list. I started with Multiple Blessing by Kate Gosselin. This book was heartwarming and insightful into their lives with 8 children. Next I went on to Stories from Candyland by Candy Spelling. I have read all Tori Spellings books and she has a lot to say about her Mom, so I wanted to see what her Mom had to say about her! Bunny Tales was next by Izabella St James. This book was all about her experience living in the Play Boy Mansion as one of Hugh Hefner’s 7 girlfriends. Bunny Tales was intriguing and scandalous. I stayed with the Play Boy theme for my next book. I read Sliding into Home by Kendra Wilkinson. Kendra tells her story and how she got where is today and what she hopes for in the future. Kendra’s book gave me more of an understanding of Kendra and how she views the world. After Kendra’s book I was anticipating the release of Tori Spelling’s new book Uncharted TerriTori. I have read Tori’s other two bestselling books (sTori Telling and Mommy Wood) so I could not pass this one up. I was not disappointed, Tori wrote another page turner. Tori reveals her irrational fears, family secrets, and passion for her work. Tori truly is an entertainer, she knows what the people want and she delivered in her new book with all the juicy details! Next on my list is in the mail still, the title is Divorce Sucks by Mary Jo Eustance. This book is all about how Tori Spelling’s current husband Dean Mcdermott left Mary Jo for a life of fame. As you can see I really like Tori Spelling and reading any book that mentions her. Even though these books will not expand my mind or make me a better person, but they do help me relax and laugh!
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