Sunday, December 16, 2012

Piper's Baptism

On September 16, 2012 Eric and I had Piper baptized.  This day will forever hold a special place in our heart.  Some baptize their children because it is a tradition or they feel pressure from older generations that was not our reasoning.  Eric and I both feel strongly about raising Piper in the church. We want her to know but most importantly love our Lord and Savior.  As a parent there are so many things we can give her but the most important is the Lord. 
When I started to look at baptism gowns for Piper I could not find anything I liked.  One evening I was showing Eric a couple of gowns I liked, he pointed out that one of the gowns looked like my wedding dress.  That gave me the idea to have her gown made from my wedding dress.  Her gown is made entirely from my dress even the lining of her gown.  I find deep sentimental value that on the day I married Eric and made a vow to Eric and God to stay married forever I wore that dress and now my daughter wore it the day I made a vow to God to raise her in the church . 
I will always fondly remember Piper’s baptism.  I am already enjoying teaching Piper about the Lord.  She is well on her way to learning with daily prayers, bible readings, church but most importantly Christian modeling from her Godparents and us.   I feel blessed that the Lord gave us Piper and I look forward to watching her faith grow and strengthen over the years. 



Friday, December 14, 2012

6 Months

This month has been very busy with the start of the holiday season. You completed your first session of music class.  Music class is a special time for our family.  We have no distractions in class, we can focus solely on you.  I love the quality time and watching you develop, learn and socialize with your peers.  It was pretty exciting to put up our first Christmas tree.  Daddy and I had never decorated before but this year we wanted to start our Christmas traditions which include decorating the house to prepare for the birth of our savior.     
Weight: 14.6 lbs - 25% percentile

Length 26 inches - 50% percentile

Size: You are wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers

Feeding Schedule: You like to nurse every 3-4 hours.  You have started on solids.  You are eating barley cereal and this week we started veggies.  Green beans were first and peas are next!   

Sleeping Schedule: You continue sleeping in your crib. You go to sleep around 7:00pm. You are still waking up several times each night. 

Likes: You still love to be swaddled, baths, being rocked, chewing on your hands & putting everything in your mouth, going for walks, your blankie, pacifiers, watching Max run around, sitting up, rolling over,  playing in your jumparoo, Mommy & Daddy reading books to you, music class and singing

Dislikes: Loud noises  

Events: This month was jammed pack full of fun.  We started the month off by celebrating Bowen's 4th birthday.  You celebrated your first Thanksgiving with both the Strobel's and the Sparks family! Mommy dressed you up in super cute outfits and you ate a barley feast.  We had dinner with the Harklesses and Brouwers.  We put up our first Christmas tree as a family! Now we are preparing for the Lord's birth!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

5 Months

This month has brought lots more change.  At music class you sat up on your own for the first time.   You are so alert during music class, you enjoy the drums and singing.  You are also now rolling over both ways.   It is fun to see you in the beginning stages of being mobile.  You are starting to coo and babble (Daddy and I can not get enough of you talking to us).  It is hard to believe that in just 5 shorts months you have went from being a tiny infant to sweet little baby full of personality.  It is truly a blessing to watch you learn and grow.   
Weight: 13.6 lbs -  25% percentile

Length 25 inches - 75 percentile

Size: You are mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2  diapers

Feeding Schedule: You like to nurse every 2.5-3 hours. You are a pro with the bottle. Next month we are going to start you on barley cereal!   

Sleeping Schedule: You are sleeping in your crib. You go to sleep around 7:00pm. You are still waking up several times each night.  If your paci falls out you cry until Mommy or Daddy plug you back in! 

Likes: You still love to be swaddled, baths, being rocked, chewing on your hands & putting everything in your mouth, going for walks, your soft pink bunny, your blankie,  pacifiers, watching Max run around, rolling over, playing in your jumparoo, Mommy & Daddy reading books to you, music class and sitting up.

Dislikes: Loud noises and your car seat.   

Events: This month was bittersweet.  Your great grandpa passed away at the age of 90.   He lived a long life filled with love and family.  I know he is watching over you.  We celebrated your 1st Halloween. We took you to the Warren Halloween Festival.  Mommy had so much fun dressing you up in several costumes and outfits!  We also helped Liam celebrate his birthday! 


Monday, October 1, 2012

4 Months

This month has brought lots of change.  You are now sleeping in your own room.  Mommy still struggles with the thought of you being in another room but everyday it is getting easier.  Each month your personality shines a little more.  This month you started belly laughing and smiling a lot more.  You are so alert now and aware of your surroundings.  I love being able to watch you learn and grow! I love you bunches!
Weight: 12.8 lbs - 50% percentile

Length 24.25 inches - 50% percentile

Size: You are still wearing 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers

Feeding Schedule: You like to nurse every 2.5-3 hours.  You are doing much better with the bottle.   

Sleeping Schedule: You are now sleeping in your crib.  You go to sleep around 7:00pm.  You are still waking up several times each night.  Everytime I think I have your scheduled figured out you change it up on me. 

Likes: You still love to be swaddled, baths, being rocked, going for walks, your soft pink bunny, pacifiers, watching Max run around, rolling over, playing in your jumparoo, Mommy & Daddy reading books to you, music class and sitting up.

Dislikes: Tummy time (now you just roll over), Max barking, and loud noises.

Events: This month was a big month for us on Mommy's birthday we had you baptized!  You had friends and family come from near and far to witness us take a vow along with your God Parents that we will raise you in the church and teach you about the Lord.  You a Child of God!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pip's 3 Month Pictures

Gillian Dyan Photography did it again! She captured amazing pictures of my sweet little Piper! Piper has a personality all of her own.  She is a serious but a very happy baby.  She made Gill work hard for a smile but when she smiles she lights the room up!
To check more of Gill's work out or book a session follow the link

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

3 Months

My sweet little Piper you are now 3 months old.  You are changing so quickly.  Daddy and I are learning more about your personality everyday.  You are an observer and have a very serious side to you.  You make Mommy and Daddy work very hard for a smile or coo, but when you deliver all the silliness was well worth it.  Daddy and I finally have a routine that seems to work well.  In the morning I get you ready for daycare and Daddy takes you to Cindy's (Mommy always calls Daddy to check and see how drop off went).  After you leave for daycare Mommy gets ready for the day and heads to work.  Around 10:30 I call Cindy to check on you and again in late afternoon.  Cindy is great with you and keeps Mommy very informed about your day.  After work I head to daycare to pick you up.  I usually chat with Cindy for a bit and then we head home to walk Max.  You hang out in your swing while Mommy makes dinner and we chat and sing songs, then Daddy comes home.  After dinner we all go for a walk and then you and I head upstairs for your bedtime feeding, book reading, & rocking.  The evenings seems to go by so quickly.  I try to spend as much time with you as possible and save my to do list until you go to bed.   Daddy and I are enjoying watching you grow and change. We are blessed to have you as our daughter!
Weight: 11.9 lbs - 50% percentile
Length 23.35 inches - 50% percentile
Size: You are wearing 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
Feeding Schedule: You like to nurse every 2.5-3 hours.  At daycare you are still struggling with the bottle.  You prefer your milk straight from the tap.      
Sleeping Schedule: We usually go upstairs between 7:00pm-7:30pm and you nurse while we rock.   You still wake up 2-3 times each night to eat.
Likes: You still love to be swaddled, baths, being rocked, going for walks, your soft pink bunny, Soothie pacifiers, watching Max run around, and sitting up.
Dislikes: Tummy time, Max barking, and loud noises.   
Events: This month you went to your first college soccer game IU vs Mexico.  We all enjoyed the Fort Wayne Air Show.  We celebrated Alivia's 9th birthday at the park with the whole Sparks family.  We went to a Labor Day cookout at the Harkless house and you started Mommy and Me music classes!